Plein Air Portugal
Travel to Plein Air Portugal:
Travel to Travanca do Monte - from the NYC area
United Airlines, TAP, and Lufthansa fly non-stop to Lisbon (LIS) from Newark, NJ (EWR)
TAP and Delta fly nonstop to Lisbon (LIS) from JFK
United flies nonstop to Porto (OPO) from Newark on select days.
TAP flies nonstop to Porto (OPO) from Newark on select days.
Most major airlines fly with one-stop to Porto from JFK and EWR
Participants schedule (through me) pick-up in Porto, at either the airport or Campagna / Bus and Train station. Fee approx. 85 euro.
From Campagna Station, frequent bus service to Amarante is available on Rede-Expresso. (rede-expressos.pt english) Fee approx. 5 euro.
Taxi's are available at the Amarante bus station and you can schedule one through me Fee approx. 25 euro.
Plan to arrive on July 10 in the afternoon between 1:00 - 5:00 pm (details upon registration)
If arriving in Portugal prior to the beginning of the program:
From Lisbon:
Daily bus service: Lisbon to Amarante takes approximately 4.5 hours via Rodonto Nord (www.rodonorte.pt) from the Gare Oriente in Lisbon.
Frequent trains run from Lisbon to Porto, leaving from Gare Oriente (www.cp.pt) going to Campagna train station
By Car:
Travanca do Monte can be reached by rental car from Lisbon in approximately 3-4 hours and from Porto in about one hour.
Driving directions available on request.